Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pink Friday Album/My Time Now Doc = FAIL

Sorry Barbies, but this album get's a D-.
Now I am not a Nicki fan but I am a fan of music and it wasn't the fact that she is a female that threw me off I mean, more power to her. The thing about this album was the fact that it leaked early giving people the chance to determine whether or not to continue on with the pre order. Reading the reviews on iTunes and from my own personal listening session, the album fell flat. The songs were repetitive and seemed to just be a continuation of the last song. Her style was the same throughout, if it wasn't the crazy voices it was the overly narcissistic raps, the over use of punchlines(much like Drake and Lil' Wayne. FYI this style was started in 2001-2005 and is a driving force to sound clever on an album), the fact that the rapping was barely on this rap album, the ABC basic rap form she was using and the fact that this album was over hyped.

I found it funny how you can rap and 'destroy' on other artists work, yet when it came to her own the rapping was weak. This album felt more like a mixtape more than anything else. The songs seemed randomly put together and did not compliment each other. I liked Dear Old Nicki and some said Did It On' Em was good but the tracks have nothing memorable to them. The music in itself was basic and corny. Like did someone get these beats off of I don't know what the budget was on this album but they could have at least put more money into some epic tracks.

With the My Time Now documentary on MTV, that was the worse plug for an album ever. Almost as if she knew her album would sorely need a boost. The televised journey that takes place after her lip singing to backtracks on BET and during the 2010 VMA's where her performance still fell flat. Cameras followed her through her short journey even her coming home to Trinidad and buying her family tens of thousands of dollars worth of stuff. It also included interviews with her. Oh and let's not forget her off the back random and some would say tasteless plug of her album's debut before the announcement that Rihanna won her award on the AMA's. Shameless much?

Surpassing gold status by 171,000 a 1 hour spot on MTV, and with what seems to be dishonest reviews on music review magazines (look at the reviews compared to album sales and actual customer reviews) this album isn't much to be remember but the only thing we will remember is that this Lil' Kim carbon copy clone with a personality disorder, was here.

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