Saturday, December 4, 2010

Movies and More! The Last AirBender Ass-tacular FailBending!

2010 was supposed to be an epic summer of movie premiers and also ringing in the inevitable end of other film franchises. But somehow in the years before, an Indian-American movie director watched a show called Avatar the Last Air Bender and decided to make a film out of all three books. Ugh.

-The movie opens with Katara and Sokka (SOh-kah) treading the ice looking for food when they come across a glow in the ice below, the ice splits and Aang (ONG) appears.
-Katara talks to Aang and at first he is pretty happy not yet  knowing what became of his people.
-Zuko invades the small village mixed with 3 white people and eskimos and Iroh (Eeh-roh) takes him aboard the ship for a test.
-Aang escapes and they head to the Southern Air Temple where Aang discovers the plight of his people.
-They visit Earth Kingdom towns captured by the Fire Nation and free the people, even coming to a prison where a little boy was hurling rocks at the soldiers.
-Aang talks about how he ran during a ceremony where he was supposed to bow, acknowledging the fact that he is the Avatar ( Ah-vah-tar)
-Aang meets the blue spirit
-Admiral Zhao is a douchebag
-They make it to the North Pole
-Princess Yue sacrifices herself the moon spirit
-Zhao is killed by the waterbenders
-Aang masters waterbending and shows everyone the power of water without hurting anyone.
-He bows to the Water and Fire Benders
-The Fire Lord is shown and Azula is revealed.

Now we have to play the What's Missing from this Movie game. Obviously the Kiyoshi Warriors were missing. M. Night stated that they had put alot of work into the Kiyoshi women but he thought they weren't a big part of the story.... uhm is he serious?! This was a perfect chance to introduce Suki (just a side bar Yue- means moon in Chinese, Tsuki- means moon in Japanese coincidence?), who basically plays an important role in Sokka's life as his new love interest.
She also plays a role in Book 2 in finding Appa, and being captured by Azula , which led into her role in Book 3 when she was a prisoner in the Boiling Rock. So wtf is he talking about?!
Haru was missing, Jet and the freedom fighters were missing(they had an important role in Book 2), King Bumi (Aang's childhood friends) was missing even the Scientist whose people inhabited an Air Temple and so was Avatar Roku.... WTF?!
So how are they going to find out about the comet? When the fuck do we see Suki? Will the following characters be seen in Book 2 (Bosco, the Earth King, Mei, Tai Li, The Drill, The Dai Li, Long Feng, Toph(she better be there) and the lost story of Appa.
This movie was a flop and could have been easily been two hours, enough time to introduce the characters and their roles in the story. I was horrified by this movie from beginning to end. The acting was bad the cast was white washed and it just disappointed alot of kids. There was no laughing moments but there was a funny moment that made me and my bf laugh:

M. Night made this movie his own image and like always did not care what the fans thought. He simply did not deliver. Plus this guy has got to be the most arrogant pretentious jack ass we've ever encountered (he tops Kanye West), and I'm quite sure he lied about watching the show with his kids.  But this movie gets an D. Maybe in the DVD they had some deleted scenes, either way they're doing some serious ass bending.

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